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Vincent Colliard

Vincent Colliard has landed his dream job as a polar explorer. However, living out his passion is not all fun and games. The Frenchman, currently residing in the Basque Country, goes on his expeditions to raise awareness about the world’s melting glaciers and ice caps.

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Kristin Harila

Kristin Harila's life is a reflection of her courage, strength, and determination to overcome challenges. Her incredible achievement highlights her exceptional talent and unique ability to push herself beyond comfort zones.

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Børge Ousland

For more than 30 years Børge has made groundbreaking expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica, expeditions that have stretched the boundaries of what was once thought possible. He made history's first solo expedition to the North Pole with no supplies and was the first to cross Antarctica alone. To this day, he is the only person to have accomplished both achievements.

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Caroline Côté

Caroline Côté is a Canadian athlete, adventurer, and documentary filmmaker. Through her expeditions, she documents climate change and shares inspiring stories regarding the impact of climate on indigenous communities, among others.

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Aleksander Gamme

Aleksander Gamme is perhaps Norway's most versatile adventurer. Where many stick to one or two types of extreme expeditions, you will find the curly-headed explorer on the steep end of the Troll Wall, skiing alone to the South Pole, on Mount Everest, as a safari guide in South Africa, with a sled in Las Vegas (yes, really), paddling a bathtub (yes, really!) in Norway’s biggest lake, or in a state of euphoria after finding a bag on cheese doodles at a forgotten frozen depot.

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